
First shipment high quality breeding cattle to Pakistan

Datum: maandag 30 januari 2017

There is a high demand for Dutch breeding cattle from Pakistani customers. They see them as high quality animals. More than 11 years the Government averted animals from Europe. The county itself cannot provide the increasing demand for dairy products, despite their own milk production. VAEX succeeded last week in the first successful shipment of high quality breeding cattle to Pakistan.


Five trucks gathered early in the morning at a stable in Zwolle. The drivers of the trucks prepared the trucks by providing them with straw. After all the documents were prepared by a veterinary of the NVWA the loading of the animals could begin. 

Fokvee naar PakistanFokvee naar Pakistan

Unloading at the airport

In the afternoon, two representatives of VAEX volunteered at the airport to check the boxes in which the animals were transported. The transport company had the wooden transport crates for the animals already provided with sawdust. At 17:00 the first truck started to unloading the cows. They took plenty of time to make sure that the cows did not experience stress. 

Unfortunately, the plane could not take of at the scheduled time because of a technical fault. Through a good cooperation with the transport company and the airline, the right measures could be taken to get food and water for the animals on time.


After a flight of 7,5 hours, the animals arrived in a good condition in Pakistan. Four people, including a representative of VAEX, came along to keep an eye on the animals and to care for them during the trip. They also supported during unloading in Pakistan. 

The 165 pregnant cows are used to make dairy farming flourish in Pakistan. The next 5 or 6 years they will have a good life. 

Watch the Video:

See also: News Article RTBF.be

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