Interview Rene Vaske

Date: Thursday, December 16, 2021

Name: Rene Vaske (28)
Company: Bernard Vaske Viehhandel
Activities: Purchase and sale of pigs for slaughter and piglets, as well as planning, branding and transport of animals. 

Why did you choose this profession?

My passion for the cattle trade started when I was very young. As a small child, I often went with my father to unload piglets and pigs. From that moment on, it became clear to me that my future lay in my parents' family business. In preparation for the working in livestock sector, I did, among other things, a training course to become a trader specialising in foreign trade in the livestock and meat sector.

What will your company look like in 10 years?

Thanks to the structure of our family business, we are currently well positioned in the market. Despite the decreasing number of animals, we will continue to work closely with our partners in the future. In this way, we hope to expand our business further and remain a reliable trading partner in the market. In addition, I expect the legislation and regulations and their requirements to play an increasingly important role in the livestock trade. If we continue to meet these requirements in the future and cooperate with our customers and suppliers, together we can continue to promote modern production of a desirable end product.

What will the sector look like in 10 years?

I believe that the future of agriculture is in the hands of politicians. It is now important for politicians to provide farmers with economic prospects in spite of the constantly changing legislation and regulations. Only in this way can they secure the future of farmers and ensure continuity in the sector. Only if this is successful will future generations also be enthusiastic about working in the agricultural sector. I expect the future generation to be able to digitally advance the agricultural sector and positively influence the general perception of the sector.

What challenges will follow in the future?

Due to the ever-changing conditions of customers for the food industry and the legislation and regulations from the government, investments in the trade will increase. Customers are becoming more critical of what they buy. This means that marketing the right product to the right customer will play an increasingly important role in the future. The level of livestock farming, the labelling and the place of birth and rearing of the animals will determine the selection of the buyer. This can be crucial for economic success in the livestock trade.

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